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Become 30% more efficient in 2023. Let´s make an AI strategy and short term tactics for immediate impact. We only work for 1 company per industry segment. Is that you?

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  • Everyone is talking about AI, but few have started to reap the benefits in quality, efficiency and value creation. 
  • Our team has extensive and up-to-date knowledge of AI, technology, business, and processes, but what set us apart is our creativity. We are former CEOs, founders, management consultants on a mission to help you. We are split in two teams. The Blackteam´s focus in on how you can use AI internally to improve efficiency and quality. The Blueteam helps you see new, external value creation opportunities. 
  • We meet once a month with the CEO or the CEO and other in the management group to discuss the latest AI development, globale relevant best practice examples, and how to use AI per function and for value creation. 
  • We work on a fixed monthly retainer and it's very affordable compared to the value we create,. 


AI represents great opportunities and threats. This is not the time to wait and see. It's time to act. The field of AI is moving so rapidly that you need help. You need a Blackteam focus on how you use AI internally and a Blueteam on new external opportunities. 


We help you develop your short and long term AI strategy as insurance against competitors leaving you behind.


We examine your processes and remove activites, automate, and suggest how to drive quality.


See the effectiveness & quality impact improvements in your departments we help you reorganize. 


Explore new opportunities that AI tools and improved processes make possible today and tomorrow.


Become a better CEO by working smarter, more efficient and at a higher level with more delegation to AI systems. 

The first meeting is free if you don't sign up for 6 months contract. You can terminate if If you don´t have a 3X ROI


Our team has extensive and up-to-date knowledge of AI, technology, business, and processes, but what set us apart is our creativity. We are former CEOs, founders, management consultants on a mission to help you. We are split in two teams. The Blackteam´s focus in on how you can use AI internally to improve efficiency and quality. The Blueteam helps you see new, external value creation opportunities. Here is our active Chairman of the board and CEO.
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Jan Grønbech, Chairman of the board - former CEO Google Norway.


Sverre Steensen, CEO - Serial founder and former project leader at BCG. 




Our sole focus is helping you use AI to drive down costs, accomplish more with fewer resources, and achieve higher-quality work. Every month, we meet with you to provide updates on relevant AI developments and offer guidance on how to improve your organization's performance. We systematically walk through all your functions, and talk about the latest AI tools and how they can change how you operate and drive down cost. We show with examples how others in your industry are deploying the technology. Examples of deliverables: 

  • How AI improves accountability among all employees?
  • How AI can organize your inbox & calendar?
  • Analyze your data for new insight and better actions at the fraction of your previous costs.
  • How to drive in more customers while at the same time lowering your CAC? 
  • How to put all your TODO lists on steroids?
  • How to supercharge your employees and make them 10% more efficient per month?


While the Black team focuses on internal work, our team is all about creating new blue oceans of business value using AI externally. The most successful companies are using AI to develop new products and services, serve existing customers in new ways, and enter new markets and customer segments. We are committed to helping you achieve these goals. We combine creativity with an understanding of your customers' opportunities and challenges to create value for your business. Examples of deliverables:

  • How AI can make you go wider and deeper in new markets at the same time?
  • How a 60% reduction in service cost will unlock a complete new offer?
  • Understand the weakness of your competitors and how to attack them.
  • How AI allows for more differentiation at less of a cost?
  • How AI enables you to work with new and more distributed talent?